Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ghana in Review

In only 10 days I will be stepping on U.S. soil for the first time in 4 months.

After reminiscing last night about all the great times I have had (this while I should have been studying for the exam I have today), I have tried to categorize my trip abroad a little bit.

Each category, I have narrowed down to 3 items. Enjoy.


1. Rural villages
2. Markets
3. Tro Tros

1. Poor customer service/or lack there of
2. People constantly trying to overcharge/cheat obrunis
3. Pick pockets

Favorite Ghanaian foods:
1. Akple and Ochre Stew
2. Plantain chips
3. FanYogo

Foods I have missed most:
1. Gum
2. Pretzels
3. Ranch Dressing

Foods I want when I get home:
1. ANY of Mom's cooking
2. Mexican food
3. Cold food

Things I wish I would have brought:
1. My computer
2. Pictures of family and friends
3. More books and magazines

Things I never used:
1. Curling iron
2. Video camera
3. Sweater

Favorite Adventures:
1. Village Stay
2. Mole Trip
3. Leadership Conference in Niger

Favorite Moments:
1. Singing endless church and children's songs with the village kids
2. The many times I have been overcome with gratefulness for having this opportunity
3. Attempting to carry food on my head and sell it in the village with three 13 year old girls

Things I wasn't expecting:
1. This experience was more challenging than I expected.
2. There WAS a language barrier! Even when we were all speaking "English".
3. I never realized how much/to what extent Ghanaians speak their tribal languages.

Things I'm excited to do when I get home:
1. Drive my car! And get in and go any time I want.
2. Call my friends and catch up!
3. Upload pictures.

Ghanaian words/phrases I have adopted into my vocabulary:
1. Saying "uh huh" like a Ghanaian in every situation possible, even when it is completely out of context.
2. Adding "o" to the end of words: "Sorry-O." "I'm fine-o."
3. Questioning: "Oh Chale, Why?" (Oh Friend, Why?)

Things I took for granted and never realized:
1. Fast Internet access/computer knowledge
2. Interstates, stop lights, roads without potholes everywhere
3. Public restrooms

When I get back I really want to:
1. Make the effort to talk to/help/be friends with the international students on campus
2. Learn a foreign language
3. Learn how to play the piano

Things I will miss:
1. Living the life of a retired person :)
2. Being called "Obruni"
3. Grabbing fruit off a woman's head for lunch, out of the tro tro window

Things I realized weren't as bad as they seemed:

1. Hand washing clothes
2. Cold showers
3. Life without Dt. Mt. Dew

Favorite Name Pronunciations:

1. Militia
2. Malaysia
3. Morlessa

Things I have traded/bartered to get a good deal:
1. Shampoo
2. My red polka dot shirt (The lady loved it! She put it on right then, gave me a high five, and couldn't stop smiling! So precious!)
3. My "phone number"

Minor meltdowns:
1. When I left my journal on a bus
2. When my camera card and flash drive got a virus
3. The day I yelled at 4 people in a span of 4 hours
-- A Ghanaian Immigration Officer
-- A tro tro mate who tried to cheat me money
-- The Internet guy who let a Ghanaian go ahead of me
-- The security guard at the bookstore who was obviously having a power trip.

These are all great stories! I will have to fill you in later!

Studying abroad has:
1. Made me question/analyze non-profit and aid organizations
2. Made me analyze/review my own priorities and motivations in life
3. Has helped me realize that just because something is different doesn't mean it's wrong or needs to be changed.
Just because I/we/Americans think something needs to be or could be improved doesn't mean that's what is best for the society and community.
Just because something seems more "primitive" from my perspective doesnt' mean it needs to be modernized; that may not be best for the people.

I am grateful for this experience because:
1. It really has been a saving grace; an essential break
2. It has taught me a lot about myself
3. It has allowed me to reflect on the past and helped me not to worry so much about the future.

Ok, well I will see you all soon! I love you!


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